Poor Prince Harry

Pictures of Prince Harry in the buff have made the papers recently, taken by some bimbo who he was orgying with. Harry deserves our sympathy. He has been and will continue to be on postage stamps and even has a bit of a chance of someday becoming king, but he hasn’t realized yet that the appeal of fame to the crowd has nothing to do with the actual person involved. People want to be with the Prince. They don’t care who the person Harry really is. That is the burden of fame-constant contact with little intimacy.
Stamp collecting is for ordinary people and ordinary people learn to be thankful for the gift of being cared for by being themselves. Each collection stands on its own, with no benefit of birth or looks. It is judged and enjoyed on its own merits, by the pleasure that it gives to people. When we look at Prince Harry’s brother, prince William, we see a young man determined to earn respect for his office and to be proud of a job well done. We see someone for whom their birth is not a burden. All of us are dealt different hands in our life and how we play the cards we are dealt determine the measure of respect we may claim. That is why I have always liked this hobby of ours. Every collector starts with nothing-what he creates was done by him alone.
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