Unusual Thematics

Professional philatelists can become a bit jaded with all the stamps that they see. Because of this I am always on the look out for unusual collections. Most unusual collection in the major US and European specialty groups are very pricey and are therefore indulged in by only the 1%. Unusual thematic collections are different and even a few hundred dollars, combined with philatelic and historical skill, can make you a collection of great beauty and which is nearly unique.

Most thematic collectors tread well worn ground, collecting omnibus or Churchill or Europa or any of the hundred or so common thematics. I worked today on a collection entitled “The Life of Christ”, in six volumes with several thousand stamps. The creator of the collection told the story of the birth, ministry and death of Jesus as illustrated through postage stamps. The story was very complete and compelling and the narrative flowed and was illustrated through the use of the stamps. I could easily see the collection being used as part of a Sunday School class on the Life of Jesus (and maybe it was). From a philatelic point of view one of the most interesting things about the collection was the absence of any particularly scarce stamps. The owner was a man of modest means but of great passion and conviction. For a few hundred dollars he paid tribute to his religion and showed the heights that our hobby can reach.

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