Two Types of Collectors

There are two broad types of collectors and they correspond to the two broad types of readers that there are. There are readers who, when they begin a book, must finish it before they can go onto reading anything else. It matters little how much they are enjoying the book they are reading. Once begun, it must be finished though it may take a long time as a reader who has a book that he doesn’t like is apt to find many other things to do with his time. The second broad type of reader is more eclectic. He will start a book, hoping to find it thrilling and always wishes to find the subject or the plot interesting enough that he is glad to read it and finish it. Bu this type of reader loves reading and learning and if he is bored with his book, neither television nor the movies are suitable alternatives. This kind of reader goes from book to book not worrying that he often never finishes many. The grasshopper and the ant both collect stamps too. And you can guess what their characteristics are when they apply their personality types and particular skills to philately. The finisher creates the finest collections, but often leaves our hobby in frustration when his zeal can’t be matched by the availability of material or his ability to afford it. The more mercurial collector often stays longer with our hobby though he often lacks the sense of fulfillment that the “finisher” achieves. Probably a combination of both types is best to enjoy most of what our hobby can offer. It is nice to stick with your specialty but to have enough outside philatelic interests that you don’t feel stuck and bored.
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