Collectors’ Stamps From Argentina

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Land of the gaucho and birthplace of the tango, Argentina’s rich philatelic history should come as no surprise to anyone who has visited or studied the country’s culture. Though it was once among the most cosmopolitan societies on Earth, Argentina’s history has been marked with political upheaval and economic instability. This can be seen in the country’s stamps, which mark its shifting allegiances and priorities as much as any written history.

For these reasons and more, Argentina is a fascinating country that’s worth looking into by any serious philatelist. Many of the more notable Argentina collectors’ stamps are also highly attractive, while a large number of variants and counterfeits add to the challenge of putting together an authoritative collection.

Argentina’s Early Philatelic History

Postal markings were used in Argentina as early as 1770. The first nationwide stamps, which featured a lithograph of the seal of Confederation, were issued in 1858. This was a turbulent time for the country, as a series of civil wars divided its population and prevented the emergence of an effective national postal system.

Accordingly, provincial stamps were issued in Corrientes (1856) and Córdoba (1859), as well as in the independent State of Buenos Aires, which briefly seceded from the rest of the country between 1852 and 1860. Stamps from Britain, Italy and France were also occasionally used in Buenos Aires, signaling those countries’ presence in the region at the time.

The Stamps of Argentina: Some Notable Issues

Many expensive and rare collectors’ stamps have been printed by Argentinian postal authorities. However, some of the more noteworthy stamps used in Argentina were those not issued by the country itself. These include:

  • The Barquitos – little ship – stamps used in independent Buenos Aires. By far the rarest stamp from Argentina, the few remaining examples of these are highly sought after by collectors, and frequently fetch high prices at auction.
  • The provincial stamps from Corrientes were issued between 1856 to 1878. Modeled after the French stamps of the time, these featured a bust of Ceres, the Roman goddess of agriculture. Each issue was engraved by hand and printed by typography, lending them a charmingly primitive quality.
  • The Popper locals, which were used for postage in the mining camps of Tierra Del Fuego. They covered the cost of transport to the nearest Argentinian or Chilean post office, but were not authorized by either government.

Buying Rare Argentina Stamps

The above are just a few examples of early collectors’ stamps from Argentina and associated territories. If you’re interested in starting or expanding a collection, Apfelbaum can help. Our online store and buy-it-now sales are some of the best places to find collectors’ Argentina stamps for sale online. Keep browsing our website or contact our office directly to find help with what you’re looking for.

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