A Good Investment Bet

I don’t like to tout stamps as an investment because in reality most collectors don’t make money out of their collections (In the last ten years most stock investors didn’t make money either, and home owners got clobbered, so philatelists are in good company). But there is one stamp that I think if you were to buy for a newborn grandchild would stand a pretty good chance of paying for a good part of a year’s college tuition when he or she is ready. It is the 25 Rupee Edward VII of India mint. First, it has always been a scarce and undervalued stamp even when “children starving in India” was a metaphor for abject poverty. But India is one of the great economies now and could well outpace China in growth in the years ahead. Indian stamps have become very popular, tremendously increasing in price but, still,  on a rarity to price basis, compared to China, they have an enormous way to go. The 25 Rupee is the scarcest twentieth century stamp of India. It currently catalogs for $925 but the last one we sold brought $1200 plus 18% commission. That’s not chicken feed but with savings bonds paying  less than 1/2%  I think young Aiden or Sophia will thank you if you put some better stamps away for them.

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