Apfelbaum’s Corner – Volume 103

For many years I have been writing of the folly of buying current U.S.stamps in quantities exceeding the requirements of your collecting and correspondence needs. I have called attention to the huge printings, the low Face value of the issues, the small historical or memorial value of many issues, the poor artistic execution and by no means least important, the lack of popularity of these issues abroad. All these and many more reasons indicate that for at least a generation and perhaps much longer current and recent U.S. stamps when sold in wholesale quantities will not even bring their Post Office or Face value.

Ask yourself how you would dispose of $1,000 or $5,000 or more of three, four and five cent stamps. Industry in the name of economy and efficiency is forced to use postage machines and individuals rarely use more than a few dollars worth of stamps a month. The fact is that most of us cannot dispose of large quantities of postage even at a discount.

Why do thousands continue to put their excess funds into current United States stamps in the hope of making a profit, a profit as unlikely as anything can be?

If our government wants to go contrary to good philatelic principles and print all special issues in quantities far exceeding what would make for a good philatelic market, let it do so, but don’t you tie up funds in this financial lead weight. Spend your money for older and more seasoned philatelic material where you will have a fair chance of making a gain along with having the joy of owning a worthwhile collection.

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