Apfelbaum’s Corner – Volume 118
In a few cities in the United Statesstamp collectors have established permanent and attractive meeting places. The New York Collectors Club has its fine building on East 35th Street. The clubs of Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Washington and Los Angeles have either buildings or offices that are exclusively for the use of the club members. There are others around the country as well. There are many advantages to this arrangement including being able to maintain a useful library and having a place to meet fellow collectors at any hour, adding to the local prestige of philately, etc.
Early in this century the Philadelphia Stamp Club maintained permanent rooms in the center of the city for many years. The membership of this club included important and busy people who perhaps could seldom visit the club but realized the advantages of membership and considered their dues a small contribution to the cause. During the Depression the club slipped into the inactive status and the meeting rooms were given up.
Today, stamp collecting is stronger than ever with many active people enjoying its benefits. The large cities of America are in need of full-time stamp collectors’ clubs with attractive quarters.
Busy philatelists who may enjoy attendance at these club rooms only a few times a year could benefit from them the same as the retired oldster who might drop by every day. The costs would not be beyond the value of the advantages.
I hope to see soon such local Philatelic headquarters in all large cities. They are well worth the effort needed to establish them.