Apfelbaum’s Corner – Volume 123

Everywhere I go I hear from stamp club members that they are unsuccessful in their efforts to get the support of many of the outstanding collectors of their city. Frequently the leading collectors are the busiest people in town and are already obligated to civic organizations that must take priority over pleasurable ones. Sometimes, too, they don’t care for philatelic publicity because they fear that this might attract burglars. There are also, of course, people who are anti-social and if they wish to enjoy solitary philately that is certainly their privilege. However, a little soul searching by the leaders of the club will usually result in the conclusion that they aren’t offering any good reasons for these people to join with them.

Meetings that are dull and dominated by petty business, by discussions of the latest United States commemorative or some minor perforation fault aren’t going to convince a busy executive that he should become a club member. He expects and requires more than a repetition of what he can learn from Scott’s Catalog if you are to interest him.

Stir up your meetings. Don’t be afraid of controversial discussion. Don’t hesitate to put all the business in the hands of an executive committee. Scout around and develop new ideas from excellent programs. When it becomes known that the stamp club is lively, you will be amazed at how attractive it will become to those who ignore it.

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