Apfelbaum’s Corner – Volume 30

Many people look forward to retirement as a time when they will be able to collect or deal in stamps. From experience, I must report that the great majority of those who postpone philatelic activity until the sunset of life never get to it. The stamp collecting habit should be enjoyed now, if it appeals to you.

Perhaps, because of the pressure of business or child rearing, the time available now is limited. But by all means, if you like philately, squeeze out a little time for it daily. Then, when retirement comes, the stamp collecting habit will be well established as a continuing pleasure in life.

For those who are burdened with extra expenses while sending John and Maria through college, there are hundreds of by ways of stamp collecting that cost very little. For those who moonlight with an extra job, what’s better than an inside coat pocket collection that can be enjoyed at opportune moments.

You are living now, and at best the future is uncertain, so if you hope to be a stamp collector, get at it today. The benefits it offers may not be postponed without the chance of missing them altogether.

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