

Chile was one of the last South American countries to be colonized. With little gold or silver to exploit or passive Indians to enslave, the southwest coast of South America was not as attractive to the Spanish invaders as was the rest of the new world. Colonization came later when copper was found, and when […]

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Pakistan has been much in the news. Philatelically, Pakistan is a relatively new nation-state. The history of Pakistan is bound with the history of India and the relationship between those two countries is hostile. Separated religiously and culturally, under the British, Pakistan was not a separate nation at all but rather was part of India.

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While Francois Fournier was a philatelic facsimile maker whose work fools only novices or collectors who have never seen the real thing, Jean de Sperati spent his life creating forgeries designed to undermine the most knowledgeable philatelists. Even his book that he wrote “Philatelie sans Experts” (Philately without Experts) shows his prime motivation was the

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The question over what John Kennedy’s assassination did to his historical reputation has long been debated. The signature achievements of the late twentieth century progressive agenda-the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Medicare in 1965 were accomplished after Kennedy’s death. But surely the sympathy that his death aroused helped the massive Democratic victories in 1964

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Francois Fournier

The early days of philately were far more colorful than today. Dealers like J. Walter Scott eagerly waited until the US Local companies were outlawed by congress so that he could buy up the plates from the defunct companies and issue “reprints” to collectors. The rules and protocols that govern our hobby today didn’t exist

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Italo Balbo

Stamps and flight have both had roles in state propaganda machines at various times and never more so than in Italy in the 1930’s. Bennito Mussolini came to power in the early 1920’s and one of the goals of Italian fascism was to increase the Italian sense of identity as a way of uniting the

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Nepal is bound in the north by the Himalayan mountains and in the south there is a fertile plain that eases into the Indian heartland. The neighbor to the north, Tibet, is inaccessible because of the more than four mile high mountains so the land to the south, India, has always had great influence on

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Dollars to Donuts

There is an expression that is used to express a sure thing-a bet at such high odds that the bettor is expressing his profound feeling that what he is betting on is all but a certainty. “Dollars to Donuts” is an expression from the 1920’s, when donuts sold two for a nickel, that the bettor

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