Interesting and Affordable Specialties

Glamor and money often go hand and hand in philately. Certainly the recent $2 million plus that a Hawaii cover sold for is impressive. Who doesn’t wish that they could own a piece like that? Yet countries that have great rarities as part of their main collecting body often face a drop off in terms of popularity. Many collectors want to collect an area that they can complete and which is interesting and affordable. I have a few for you.

Confederate States is about as interesting a country to collect as there is. There are only 14 stamps listed by the Scott catalog. Confederate States stamps were issued by the seceding States during the American Civil war, and the last stamp was issued in 1865. They had real postal purpose and were not issued for collectors. Several of the stamps are quite common and several rare. The entire country can be completed for under $1,500, and if the area suits your fancy, there are many sub-specialties of Confederate States to add to your albums including Confederate Postmaster Provisionals or postal history that can turn this specialty into a lifelong pursuit.
Or how about the classic Baltic States

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