The popularity of a country’s stamps varies with the popularity of the government in power. Japanese stamps were very popular in the 1920’s and fell off tremendously in the the 1930’s and 1940’s before renewing their popularity after World War II. The stamps of Iran were very popular until the last twenty years. They are among the world’s most interesting. The classics are complex, hard to find and yet not very pricey. Called the Lions they have that primitive quality that makes the Nineteenth Century philately of many countries so alluring. There were many printings and considering how rarely they are offered for sale, prices are surprisingly modest. There are two reasons for the low prices. First is the political unpopularity of Iran in the world makes for few new collectors of this area. But more importantly the popularity of a country like Iran (or China or India) is aided by a successful emigrant community that often seeks the stamps of the home country. Iran has been under international sanctions for so long that emigration has dried up and moving funds in and out of Iran is difficult. Few successful Iranian scientists and business people have moved abroad in the last twenty years and this has cut into the popularity of Iranian stamps. Be careful when you buy early Iran. Counterfeits are common and it would be wise to stick to reputable sources.