Max’s first love was United States stamps. He showed me how to distinguish Bank Note printings (Scott#134-191) by their color and paper types rather than by the “secret marks” listed in the catalog (“too hard to see them” he said). He taught me the trick of peeling a stamp from the hinge rather than the hinge from the stamp which prevents the occasional thin. He had a modernist’s interest in stampless covers, then emerging from the oblivion to which the first generation of collectors had assigned them. He was an early connoisseur of postal history or “stamps on envelopes”, as he called it, “Postal history doesn’t mean covers” he said decrying the fashionable moniker. “Postal history could just as easily mean collecting mail boxes“. He had a love for British Commonwealth and Latin America. In my experience most collectors and dealers have little interest in stamps that have been issued during their adulthood. Most of us concentrate on the stamps of our childhood and before. This has always been the case with collectors. Accordingly Max had little use for First Day Covers and plate blocks, both of which became popular as collecting specialties in the 1920’s.
Max was born in 1905 and had a college degree in accounting. He became a stamp dealer as a result of the event that caused the greatest number of people ever to switch from collecting to dealing – The Great Depression. Max was out of a job in 1930 and he and his brother Arthur became stamp dealers on Nassau Street in New York. After a while he and his brother split up the business with Max concentrating on the buying and selling side and Arthur concentrating on philatelically collateralized loans. For many years Max was one of the largest buyers of stamps at public Auction, regularly spending million of dollars per year. Max was a close family friend and passed away in March of 1981, five days after attending my wedding.