Our Philatelic Publications
In writing an article on as important a subject as the above, I think that too great care can not be used, especially in regard to the monthly magazines. You take a pile of the principal papers published for the needs of “a long felt want” of a suffering philatelic public, and attempt to give an honest opinion of each. As far as solid reading of heavy matter goes, I think that the Philatelic Journal of America and the Weekly News, published by the Mekeel Company, are the best. For newsy original matter, I think that Mr. Gremmel’s Post Office excels. Then in close order comes the Eastern Philatelist, published by Mr. Pinkham of Newmarket, New Hampshire. This paper, published for the small sum of 25 cents per year, is an excellent advertising medium, and contains many articles of interest to both collectors and dealers. The Philatelic Era from Portland, Maine, and the Southern Philatelist from Charleston, South Carolina, are both bright papers which show themselves laden with articles and “ads” every month, and are heartily greeted by all.
But when it comes to the sudden growth, from an unattractive, uncovered little sheet, to a large, covered paper, full to the brim with “ads” and news, and all having occurred in four numbers, the EAGLE PHILATELIST appears without an equal. The Stamp Collector’s Companion, published from St. Louis, Missouri, and combined with the Standard Philatelist, is an excellent paper for all. The American Journal of Philately, by the Scott Stamp and Coin Company, and the Metropolitan Philatelist, by the J.W. Scott Company, are good papers and have been established by people who understand their business.
The Record and Review is a neat paper coming from A.R. Rogers of New York City, and has many items of interest.
The Quaker City Philatelist, Brooklyn Philatelist, and the American Philatelist are excellent papers, especially the latter, which is published by the Literary Board of the American Philatelic Association.
The Philatelic Journal of Great Britain is a fine paper and every American collector should be a subscriber to it.
I think that every collector should take at least five papers, and if possible, eight or ten, as he needs to keep posted on the various happenings in the Philatelic world, the chronicle of new issues, and bargains of various dealers. The collector should take great care to mention the paper in which he saw the “ad” as it helps both dealer and publisher; the dealer, by letting him know from what paper he receives the most answers, and publisher, by letting his patrons know the value of his paper.
Collectors also should try and have a small Philatelic library. In some cases consisting of only a catalogue or two, a few bound or unbound volumes of philatelic magazines, history of some particular class of stamps, etc., but they should use every effort to increase it, as by so doing they are increasing their knowledge. A forty-year-old philatelist is only a schoolboy, as he is keeping up a constant review of his school-day lessons. As to an Album, every collector has one within his reach; the young collector can buy a 25-cent Mekeel Popular Album, and the well-to-do collector can purchse a high class Scott or a Mekeel’s Blank, and every collector should take great care as to the arrangement, etc., in his album, and as a point of beauty, I prefer a Mekeel’s Blank Album, as you do your own arranging and can have everything to suit yourself. I would advise all collectors, especially the younger ones, to be very careful as to what album they buy and as to what paper or papers they subscribe for, and last but not least, what dealer they deal with, and in whom they place their trust.