Postal Service

The Postal Service has announced that it is closing down many mail processing centers, laying off tens of thousands of workers and slowing down the delivery of mail, all in an attempt to stem the losses that have occurred in hard copy mail delivery as a result of the revolution in electronic communication. This is a difficult time for the mail service and it is a good time to reflect how well the postal Service has served our country and how little politicization there has been in postal delivery issues. Throughout the history of our country, the Democrats and Republicans (and their previous incarnations) have been at odds over most issues and have always tried to make political points at each other’s expense. Often, while in power, one party will espouse policies and procedures that are they then oppose as demonic when they are out of power. It is a tribute to the importance and professionalism of the Postal Service that throughout the nearly two and a half centuries that it has been part of the Federal government, that rarely have postal operations become a political football. Even now, no party is advocating changing the Postal Service’s mission which is equal delivery throughout the country at the same price. It is nice to know the there are least a few things that nearly all Americans can agree on.
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