Stock Number: 423544


Scott Catalog About: $6,480


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CILICIA – SPECIALIST LOT – An amusing philatelic quagmire of overprints inverted, shifted, doubled and other minor varieties that will surely delight those preoccupied with an expanded Italian portfolio! The lot is comprised of several hundred mint and used issues boasting such premium single standouts like mint #14 (4), 19, 21, 98c (2), J9-J12, used #19, 20, 21, 92A, J4, among others, and quite literally a sea of minor varieties with Maury catalog numbers on the glassines! Even without going into specialized catalog, straightforward Scott catalog value quickly adds up to just shy of $6,500! The duplication levels are well controlled and the lot will surely delight collectors inclined to go beyond major listings! Gen. VERY FINE, mint og

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